food ~ dish

put a knife or spoon on your right side and put a fork on your left
place a glass upper from the knife or spoon
take a proper sit
get a napkin then put it under your neck
wait until the dish coming

appertizer such as soup, salad or pasta can be used as the opening (optional)
use knife or spoon to help you to eat. If you eat steak, knife is a good friend. If you eat curry rice, spoon is the right option.
don't forget to use the fork
choose wine or mineral water as a drink is a good option
don't come for the food. It is better your when head doesn't move forward to reach the food which is on the spoon/fork. It must be moved to reach your mouth.
remember, do not talk while food is in your mouth
chew a few times before swallen the food


.trying wines
get a glass and a few bottle of wine
open the first wine bottle and pour it into your glass
drink it
important : before you try on other wine. Get a mineral water and take one or two slip
open the second wine bottle then do the same as before...

the mineral water act as a breaker. When you drink your first wine and then straight to the second one, the second would be feel worst then the first.

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